Monday, May 13, 2024

Dances On The Sands. Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.

 Stories told long ago, holiday hits, to give, to get, circles of love, circles of luck, circles of life to live.Live And Learn, Pages To Books, Walks In The Park.Joys And Pains, Good Times, Dances On The Sands. Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.TIME TO TURN THE CORNER. A trip to hell in a hand basket.EMPIRE OF LIARS, SPRUCE POWER,WORST COMPANY EVER.

Live And Learn, Pages To Books, Walks In The Park.Joys And Pains, Good Times, Dances On The Sands. Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.TIME TO TURN THE CORNER. A trip to hell in a hand basket.EMPIRE OF LIARS, SPRUCE POWER,WORST COMPANY EVER.

STOP THE DENIAL! SMART & RICH BETTER THAN SMART & POOR!Nice shot, thanks.....Nuts fall, frank to fall off, out of fucks, no dick in the new year, beans to live, frank to fall, under the fat, layers of fecal matters.Waves Of Wards, Sonny And Starr, Twins, Both Sides Of The Coins.THIS FAMILY HATES FACTS... IT'S HYSTERICAL..

So you say you want a revolution . "People follow leaders by choice.Do not be fooled .TAKE SPRUCSE POWER, ALL ABOUT COLLECTING FEES, TO TRADE A TERMINATION FOR A TRANSFER, RIGHT, TALK ABOUT THEIR LESS-THAN-STELLAR SERVICE?I ain’t the one to gossip.Lions, Tigers And Bears, Oh My, Faces Under The Surface.Dances On The Sands. Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.

Stories told long ago, holiday hits, to give, to get, circles of love, circles of luck, circles of life to live.Live And Learn, Pages To Books, Walks In The Park.Joys And Pains, Good Times, Dances On The Sands. Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.TIME TO TURN THE CORNER. A trip to hell in a hand basket.EMPIRE OF LIARS, SPRUCE POWER,WORST COMPANY EVER.

So you say you want a revolution . "People follow leaders by choice.Do not be fooled .TAKE SPRUCSE POWER, ALL ABOUT COLLECTING FEES, TO TRADE A TERMINATION FOR A TRANSFER, RIGHT, TALK ABOUT THEIR LESS-THAN-STELLAR SERVICE?I ain’t the one to gossip.Lions, Tigers And Bears, Oh My, Faces Under The Surface.

'A sole and a flounder are swimming in the ocean when they bump into each other. The sole says, "A flounder!" The flounder, to be polite, says nothing.'Live And Learn, Pages To Books, Walks In The Park.Joys And Pains, Good Times, Dances On The Sands. Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.TIME TO TURN THE CORNER.

Call me if you have the flat screen I need 714-3282898. Smooching Frogs:Judy Quade Gerstein. The ability to triumph starts with you." We #celebrate life, #liberty & the pursuit of #happiness, together.How low can you go? Just ask BBC! Four non-Jews debating on BBC whether Jews are an ethnic minority.Dances On The Sands. Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.
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I'm a weirdo but I'm real tho.What beef? What do you do when there's nothing left to hold on to?Its about time, its about space, its about being lost in time. THAT'S A PRETTY BIG DEVELOPMENT! SEND IN THE CLOWNS, TO THE LEFTBirds To Fly, Blue Skies. Land whale, pimp on wheels, bags of shit,7608512267 Before I Die.A lion doesn't fear a fly.""Wisdom is more precious than pearls."" ~ Jewish Proverb" ~ 5 Stars, Shooting Blue, Shooting White, Horse And Pony Shows, Bitches And Dawgs. Yiddish Proverb"Land whale, pimp on wheels, bags of shit,7608512267.... A lion doesn't fear a fly."" ~ Yiddish Proverb" You can't patch up a torn friendship.".Steven Jarrot, cock sucker to date

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