Saturday, October 22, 2016

Safe Haven Program Pilots New Paradigm for Veterans: Blue Oceans, Blue Waters, Blue Dreams In The Air.

People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness.Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’re lost.Dalai Lama....Alfea College for Fairies

The Fairy School of the Magix Dimension...You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean is not dirty. Mahatma Gandhi...

Safe Haven Program Pilots New Paradigm for Veterans Services....Programs & Services:Safe Haven Program Pilots New Paradigm for Veterans: Blue Oceans, Blue Waters, Blue Dreams In The Air.  Preventing HomelessnessEnding Homelessness

Veterans | A Safe Haven Foundation | Aspire. Transform. Sustain.

The Safe Haven program is a 10-bed short-term transitional housing program for veterans with current substance abuse and mental health issues located in Dorchester, MA. This is a pilot program and one of only four throughout the country. The Safe Haven program targets chronically homeless veterans who have had difficulty with traditional housing programs.Safe Haven Program Pilots New Paradigm for Veterans: Blue Oceans, Blue Waters, Blue Dreams In The Air. 
The program utilizes three evidence-based practices for care: Motivational Interviewing, critical time intervention, and stages of change. Safe Haven provides a low-demand and non-intrusive environment to its guests. The guidelines to the program are minimal and the focus is on the safety of the individual. The ultimate goal is to facilitate a safe and healthy transition for the veterans into permanent housing.

In addition to housing, three healthy meals per day, snacks, counsel, spiritual guidance, and referral services are provided at the request of the client. The staff will strive to provide an environment that is conducive for the veteran to find hope, opportunity, and strength for a life transformation.Safe Haven Program Pilots New Paradigm for Veterans: Blue Oceans, Blue Waters, Blue Dreams In The Air. 

Veterans | A Safe Haven Foundation | Aspire. Transform. Sustain.

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The essay is due on 1st of April ....CLASS I' LL BE TEACHING: Class d History: In the news...REMINDER : Man In Blue, Marines In Best Suit, Uncle Sam, thanks so much.BIO: I am a fairy of confidence and by history I learnt how to use my powers correctly and now I am using my knowledge to the classmates....DAYS I WILL BE TEACHING: Saturdays Your assignment is to write a essay on one of your special talents. It doesn't have to be your power, but a special talent you possess. Can I also be a teacher???If YES here is my profile: NAME: Helen
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